City of Dundee Bowling Association

Here you will find out about all of our championships for the year.
Our Championships are normally run in the first two weeks of August
We currently run the following:-
Champion of Champions
Mixed Pairs
Senior Singles
Senior Pairs
Senior Triples
Senior Fours
Junior Open Singles U/35's
As the Championships progress you will find the results
appearing in this section and keeping you up to date with all the scores.
In addition we also run a Senior League Fours Competition
This is currently being run in a two section format.
Section "A" and Section "B"
Results 2024
Champion of Champions
First Round Tuesday 6th August 6.00 pm
Craigie Scr v Broughty Bye
B/Castle 21 v Balgay 16
Baxter Pk 21 v Maryfield 17
Muirhead 7 v Fairfield 21
Lochee Bye v Monifieth Scr
Longforgan 21 v Hillcrest 18
Dudhope 21 v Barnhill 7
Second Round Friday 9th August
Broughty v B/Castle
Baxter Pk v Fairfield
Lochee v Longfirgan
Dudhope v Strathmartine
Singles Senior Singles
First Round Tuesday 6th August 6.00 pm First Round Monday 5th August 2.00 pm
Hillcrest 18 v Fairfield 21 Balgay 10 v Fairfield 21
Craigie 21 v Strathmartine 6 Craigie 21 v Barnhill 10
Monifieth Bye v Broughty Scr Monifieth 20 v Strathmartine 21
Dudhope 21 v Lochee 19 Hillcrest 21 v Muirhead 19
Balgay 21 v Maryfield 20 B/Castle 8 v Lochee 21
Muirhead 21 v Longforgan 15 Maryfield 21 v Dudhope 17
Barnhill 21 v Baxter Pk 6 Broughty 21 v Longforgan 15
B/Castle v Bye Baxter Pk v Bye
Second Round Friday 9th August Second Round Thursday 8th August
Fairfield v Craigie Fairfield 12 v Craigie 22
Monifieth v Dudhope Strathmartine 13 v Hillcrest 21
Balgay v Muirhead Lochee 21 v Maryfield 20
Barnhill v B/Castle Broughty 20 v Baxter Pk 21
Pairs Senior Pairs
First Round Tuesday 6th August 6.00 pm First Round Monday 5th August 2.00 pm
Craigie 5 v Lochee 23 Fairfield 14 v Maryfield 7
Baxter Pk 16 v Hillcrest 13 Muirhead 19 v Longforgan 7
Barnhill 14 v Longforgan 24 Barnhill 13 v Strathmartine 10
B/Castle 9 v Dudhope 21 Dudhope 12 v Balgay 17
Maryfield 19 v Broughty 5 Monifieth 15 v Baxter Pk 9
Balgay 20 v Monifieth 13 B/Castle 19 v Hillcrest 16
Muirhead Bye v Strathmartine Scr Broughty 12 v Craigie 11
Fairfield v Bye Lochee v Bye
Second Round Friday 9th August Second Round Thursday 8th August
Lochee v Baxter Pk Fairfield 9 v Muirhead 16
Longforgan v Dudhope Barnhill 16 v Balgay 7
Maryfield v Balgay Monifieth 15 v B/Castle 14
Muirhead v Fairfield Broughty 16 v Lochee 18
Triples Senior Triples
First Round Tuesday 6th August 6.00 pm First Round Monday 5th August 2.00 pm
Barnhill 15 v Lochee 16 Balgay 13 v Muirhead 15
Craigie 8 v Fairfield 15 Fairfield 10 v Baxter Pk 11
Strathmartine 20 v B/Castle 13 Maryfield 11 v B/Castle 13
Longforgan 12 v Muirhead 8 Barnhill Bye v Strathmartine Scr
Monifieth 25 v Hillcrest 4 Monifieth 8 v Lochee 16
Dudhope 20 v Balgay 9 Longforgan 5 v Dudhope 30
Baxter Pk 14 v Maryfield 16 Broughty 12 v Hillcrest 11
Broughty v Bye Craigie v Bye
Second Round Friday 9th August Second Round Thursday 8th August
Lochee v Fairfield Muirhead 25 v Baxter Pk 5
Strathmartine v Longforgan B/Castle 17 v Barnhill 18
Mon / Hill v Dudhope Lochee 12 v Dudhope 11
Maryfield v Broughty Broughty 11 v Craigie 18
Fours Senior Fours
First Round Tuesday 6th August 6.00 pm First Round Monday 5th August 2.00 pm
Monifieth 22 v Maryfield 12 Fairfield Bye v Strathmartine Scr
Strathmartine 10 v Balgay 24 Balgay 16 v Barnhill 14
Dudhope 16 v Lochee 19 B/Castle 16 v Muirhead 19
B/Castle 13 v Barnhill 16 Monifieth 17 v Broughty 9
Fairfield 14 v Longforgan 13 Hillcrest 9 v Baxter Pk 20
Muirhead 14 v Broughty 16 Longforgan 23 v Maryfield 7
Craigie 28 v Baxter Pk 9 Dudhope 12 v Craigie 25
Hillcrest v Bye Lochee v Bye
Second Round Friday 9th August Second Round Thursday 8th August
Monifieth v Balgay Fairfield 6 v Balgay 21
Lochee v Barnhill Muirhead 18 v Monifieth 16
Fairfield v Broughty Baxter Pk 17 v Longforgan 15
Craigie v Hillcrest Craigie 19 v Lochee 5
Mixed Pairs
First Round Tuesday 6th August 6.00 pm
Hillcrest Scr v Barnhill Bye
Lochee 16 v Balgay 15
Fairfield 10 v Maryfield 30
Strathmartine 8 v Craigie 24
B/Castle 15 v Monifieth 13
Longforgan 19 v Baxter Pk 22
Dudhope 3 v Broughty 21
Muirhead v Bye
Second Round Friday 9th August
Barnhill v Lochee
Maryfield v Craigie
B/Castle v Baxter Pk
Broughty v Muirhead
Junior Open Singles U/35's
Preliminary Round Monday 29th July
Monifieth 3 8 v Balgay 1 21
Broughty 2 Scr v Craigie 3 Bye
First Round Monday 5th August 6.00 pm
Balgay 1 21 v Craigie 3 11
Dudhope 1 21 v Monifieth 1 14
Craigie 2 21 v Monifieth 2 17
Craigie 4 21 v Balgay 2 12
Craigie 1 21 v Maryfield 19
Broughty 1 Scr v Dudhope 2 Bye
Muirhead 21 v B/Castle 12
Baxter Pk 21 v Monifieth 4 13
Second Round Thursday 8th August
Balgay 1 19 v Dudhope 1 21
Craigie 2 17 v Craigie 4 21
Craigie 1 21 v Dudhope 2 14
Muirhead 19 v Baxter Pk 21
Senior League Winners
Section "A" Hillcrest B C
Section "B" Barnhill B C
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.