City of Dundee Bowling Association
Welcome to our visitors to the New Website
City of Dundee Bowling Association
Monday 7th October
Please note change of date for the AGM
This will now take place on Friday 7th February
Thursday 25th September
Information for your diaries.
The Presentation Dinner will be held at Hillcrest Bowling Club on 8th November 2024.
Clubs will be notified with a choice of menu for those attending.
Further updates will follow.
Friday 17th January 2025
The Pre-AGM Delegates meeting will be held at
DIBC at 7.00 pm.
This your chance to put forward any motions to be added to the Agenda for discussion at the AGM.
Friday 14th February 2025
As usual this will be held at DIBC at 7.00 pm.
Further reminders will be notified.